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Sunday, 3 July 2011

Google.Sketchup.Pro.v8.0.3117.Incl.Keygen Download

Download Google Sketchup Pro v8.0.3117.Incl Keygen


Google SketchUp Pro is 3D modeling software
for professionals. SketchUp is easy and
intuitive, allowing anyone to model in 3D
quickly and accurately. Using 3D models,
designers can make more informed decisions,
communicate project details, and share ideas
with colleagues and customers to reach a
common goal


Unzip, unrar and install the application.
Use our keygen to generate your personalized

What%u2019s new in this version:

* Model geo-location with Google Maps: We%u2019ve built Maps right into SketchUp. Adding a geo-location to your model is now an elegant, one-app process.

* Color imagery and more accurate terrain: The snapshot you get when you add a geo-location to your model now includes 3D terrain data that%u2019s more accurate, and%u2013for the first time%u2013aerial imagery in color.

* Match Photo improvements: Our Match Photo feature lets you trace one or more photographs to build a model; it%u2019s an incredibly powerful tool. For SketchUp 8, we%u2019ve tweaked some things to make using Match Photo easier than ever.

* SketchUp, meet Building Maker: When it comes to modeling existing buildings, it%u2019s hard to beat Google Building Maker for speed and efficiency. We%u2019ve made it simpler to open and refine Building Maker models in SketchUp.

>> keygen<<

* SketchUp Pro 8 includes a powerful new set of tools for additive and subtractive modeling

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1 comments: on "Google.Sketchup.Pro.v8.0.3117.Incl.Keygen Download"

ADMIN said...

exclusive Google Sketchup Pro v8.0.3117.Incl Keygen software

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