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Sunday, 3 July 2011

$250G Prize of the Play Mega Millions online and pay with Paypal?, Lottery Still Unclaimed

I want to play Mega Millions but its not in my state so I have to play online but I don't trust those sites so I want to pay with Paypal. I've tried a lot of sites and one told me to get a Netteller account but they're not available to U.S. citizens and another website had the same thing. The other ones just want your credit card number straight but I want to use paypal so I feel safe.

i doubt that you can pay with a credit card . i just bought some tickets and i had to pay cash.

The winner of the Mega Millions lottery has yet to claim the $250,000 price. There is actually 1 in 3.9 million chances for anybody to predict the five winning numbers, excluding the Mega Ball, in the Mega Millions lottery. And that very fortunate “one” who won last July 27, 2010 has not yet claimed his prize and time is running out for that lucky (our could be unlucky soon) winner. The winning Mega Millions ticket which was bought from McAleavy’s News stand located at E. Main St. in Somerville last July 27, 2010. Until now, almost a year after, the prize is still unclaimed. In effect and by New Jersey law, anybody who won the Mega Millions lottery has until one year to claim the prize. The deadline would then be on the 27th of this month.

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