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Friday, 1 July 2011

Miwa Oshiro Biography And Hot Pics

Miwa Oshiro Biography ( - Miwa Oshiro is one of Japan's newest and most popular idols. She has incredible beauty that is sought after by numerous men around the world. 

She has become more and more popular amongst the Japanese, and has appeared on several TV shows. She releases non-nude gravure videos and photobooks.

Why is she famous?

Due to her modeling career, Our editors need your help to write the biography of Miwa Oshiro. If you want to contribute, please feel free to click on [edit biography] link from above and complete the fields. If you want to explain why Miwa Oshiro is famous or if you know any important piece of information and 'juicy gossip' about Miwa Oshiro which you would like to share with everyone don't hesitate to post it too. If you want to add an image of Miwa Oshiro please do it only if you are the author of it or if the image is in the Public Domain.

Name: Miwa Oshiro / ooshiro
Date of birth: August 26, 1983
Place of birth: Hokkaido
Constellation: Virgo
Type of blood: O type
Height: 154cm
Bust: 88cm
Waist: 58cm
Hip: 84cm
Hobbies: Shopping, personal computer
Specialty: Baton

Miwa Oshiro is a popular beautiful and young japanese actress/model. Watch for her to grow in popularity! Be sure to check our huge Miwa Oshiro's picture gallery and her products!

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