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Friday, 5 August 2011

Traci Bingham Biography

BIOGRAPHY AND PHOTO ( - Traci Bingham (nTe Julie Anne Smith) was born January 13, 1971, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The youngest of 7 siblings, Traci has her diverse heritage of half Afro-American, part Cherokee and part Italian to thank for her exotic looks.

Traci was more interested in participating in sports, thanks to her older brothers, and she joined the swim team, track and cross country teams, and even took home first prize at a local fair for pole vaulting and hurdle jumping.

Traci was the youngest of seven siblings, and comes from a close knit family with strong family values. Her beautifully exotic features stems from her diverse heritage consisting of African-American, Cherokee, and Italian blood.

Traci is very fit, and obviously takes a serious attitude towards physical training. Perhaps this was partially due to being the youngest and following in the footsteps of her older brothers. As a young girl, Traci was very involved with sports, participating in the track and cross-country teams, swim team, and track and field events, where she took the first prize at a local fair for pole-vaulting and hurdling! Traci even played football along with her older siblings!

But it was her parents' strict upbringing that emphasized family values and education, which led Traci to attend Harvard after graduating from Cuyahoga Community College, and follow in the footsteps of her Ivy League older siblings. But although she attended Harvard, she was more interested in acting.

Traci Bingham Stats

BIRTHPLACE: Cambridge, Massachusetts

BUST: 36" C

WAIST: 25"

HIPS: 37"

HEIGHT: 5' 7"

WEIGHT: 115 lbs

EYES: Brown

ON POSING NUDE: "I’m a very sexual and confident person, and somewhat of an exhibitionist. I’ve always found myself being the center of attention and being in front of a camera. At home I walk around naked all the time. I just feel most comfortable that way."

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