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Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Bangladeshi Sarika And Mila Video Scandal Gossipis

Mila and Sarika Scandal Video Released :

Bangladeshi Sarika And Mila Video Scandal ( - Bangladeshi Interpret and TV actress Prova, Chaity and Anika Kabir Shokh porn Scandal has already prefabricated several bad thought in Bangladeshi illustration media aspect. Now another two scandals on touristy discoverer Mila and Imitate Sarika is disclosed lately. Reportable by a UK supported Bangla Website. People are disscussing almost the dirt of Mila and Sarika scandals. A website unite said, Sarika has been seen person in a chamber of a man named Pintu. That mortal recording footage is state transferred from one rangy to added perambulating sound. That website did not only uploaded the footage. It also published the world comments over that flier. In other video Mila has been seen someone with a guy. But that person has not been constituted. People are intelligent ‘Download Mila Scandal’ and ‘Download Sarika Scandal’ after publishing that interest.

The racy liaison in in between Bangladeshi Interpreter Prova Chaity as well as TV Actress Anika Kabir Shokh had already combined a couple of catastrophic opinions in a Bangladeshi visible media aspect. Now an additional dual scandals in in between traveller discoverers Mila as well as Imitate Sarika have been uncovered.

To download Mila and Sarika’s scandal video one must have to upload it to any file server. If you get the link of Mila and Sarika’s scandal Video link. You can download Mila scandal video and Sarika scandal video.

If this news is true, this will be a very bolt attack to Bangladeshi media and entertainment industry. Actually its natural to have relation with someone very special and have physical relation with him. But its not fear to record that scene and make that public.

Out media personality must have to be more couscous about making relation and have to very selective to choose person as boyfriend or lover.

Its also very common in showbiz to make relation with the leading person such as director or producer to make a permanent place in media and sometimes to get chance to works for the beginners. But this is illegal way to start any career. One who have quality will get chance without any compromise.
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Reported by a, UK upheld Bangla Website, people have been deliberating a sum of a Mila as well as Sarika scandals. According to a website representative, “Sarika had been seen in a cover of a male declared Pintu.” That fatal recording of footage was state eliminated from a single wavelength to another. The website did not usually upload a footage; It additionally published a world’s comments over which affair. In an additional recording, Mila has been seen in fraternisation with an additional man, though which chairman has not been constituted. For some-more information, ‘Download Mila Scandal’ as well as ‘Download Sarika Scandal’.

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1 comments: on "Bangladeshi Sarika And Mila Video Scandal Gossipis"

ADMIN said...

nice think ......

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